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Beautiful Mess

Dear Oh-Well-Paper,
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I wrote that on my latest bm examination; final semester. Lepas lepas je keluar tempat exam, I got this flowery feeling, rasa sejuk nyaman dalam hati ((haha how do I explain this)) and mata pun rasa macam sembab- like how you would feel after you've cried.

Mungkin aku rasa macam baru lepas menangis sebab I literally cried, and instead, I shed words, not tears. Metafora hiperbola, I know. :p Tapi serious, baru rasa macam confess something and you're glad it has been said out loud after keeping it bottled inside for such an ample time.


Masalah adik dia tu mungkin sama dengan aku, senang nak cakap- feeling that you're set on somewhere you don't belong. Sado gila cakap macamni, haha. Lepastu apa yang kakak dia kata macam hati aku sendiri pujuk supaya bertahan, that everything will turn out to be just fine, that feeling will soon fade away, that you'll be okay. Kiranya akulah kasi kata-kata semangat to my ownself, luls apakah. 

And this bit of poem from I Don't Want To Be Crazy, Samantha Schutz is one of the miscellaneous items I put on my table, basically the thing that keeps me going.
And through timeless words
And priceless pictures
We'll fly likes birds,
not of this earth

And tides they turn
and hearts disfigured
But that's no concern
when we're wounded together

And we,
 tore our dresses
And stained our shirts
But it's nice today

Oh the wait was so worth it


p/s : Please ignore the stains, I tried to keep it low in vintage, haha! Acah acah je pun, padahal reality benda tu jatuh and budak lelaki pijak pffffft. (1415)