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Wake up call


It's now one am and I now I havent written for Allah knows how long so I'm back today wehee drumroll please haha sebab idea pun macam dah kapoof kapoof keluar macam magic unicorn clouds and rainbows semua tu well-

A wake up call.
Yes. A wake up call.

Aku pun tak tahu macammana tetiba all of the sudden boleh timbul niat di hati untuk watch video tu. One video after another, and I started to feel very very very displeased with myself.

Kenapa selalu mengeluh bila ditimpa ujian?
Kenapa bila dapat rahmat happy tak ingat dunia, bila kena test sikit dah mengada nak putus asa?

Kenapa bila dapat nikmat lupa Allah?
Kenapa bila tiada apa cari Tuhan,
ada segala jadi Tuhan?

Kenapa senang sangat bazir masa buat benda benda lagha, leka,
tapi payah teramat buat perkara perkara Allah suka?


Gah. Jahil. Jahil sangat untuk fikir yang kita terlalu bagus for ourselves, jahil sangat untuk berkata yang we actually do have the power over ourselves.

Kalau betullah, betullah yang kita ada kuasa atas diri kita sendiri, mengkhinzir buta megah cakap kita berkuasa atas diri kita sendiri, can you stop yourself from blinking? Can you tell your heart to stop beating? Can you command your mind to stop thinking?

Jawapan ada pada diri kita sendiri.

And yet we run the world as if there's no hereafter.

Talking about love. Well you're not in love, you're just hormonal. Orang tu cakaplah, dia cakap. Hahaha.

You haven't controlled your temptations yet, and you called it love?

Fikir balik.

When you're in the midst of hardship and you feel like giving up, futur,
ask yourself- "What will Allah gain by punishing me?"

Nothing. He gains nothing.

Tepuk dada tanya iman.


Unknown said...

Queenpink singgah sini sebentar :) salam perkenalan.

Unknown said...

kak ainaa i miss u sooooo much :'( i hope u notice this :)

AnaaaMohamad said...

kak ainaa kita pun rindu kak ainaa. HAHAHAHA ok. weh awat hang sungguh inspring me. Syukur benorr ada kawan mcm hang tsk tsk