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An advice

I have a mutual of mine,
you could call her a friend.

She's super super brilliant, dah lah pandai,
cantik lemah lembut sopan santun solehah baik peramah semua dekat dialah, hmpph ni yang nak jealous ni! *tak puas hati face* Hahahaha.

So as I was saying,

she's brilliant,

and everyone dari awal

memang dah expect

that she would excel

and top seeded in every examination she takes,

and I did too.

Aku ingat lagi masatu, it was pj period. Since f1 tahun 2013 ada 6 classes, cikgu gabungkan 3 kelas for one session. I was in 104, so kiranya mash up with 105 and 106.

Lepas je our must-to-do activity which is killing me every time sukan; lari pusing 1 maktab, cikgu kasi pelepasan kitorang buat any activity.

getus hati.
Aku memang langsung tak minat bab bab sukan ni, hahahaha.

I found a nice spot, just under the shady tree. Purrfect, I thought. Apa lagi I sat there la he he he. She was there too, the brilliant girl I told you earlier.

Since she and I are placed in different classes, memang jaranglah nak jumpa. Jadual pun dah compact macam kena pam pam, time rehat dengan balik jelah ada, tu pun jarang bertembung, because we all had different destinations. Alang alang ada free time, I figured, hey, why not start a conversation kan? Timing pun bagus, a few days before our results came out. I began our chit chat by asking if she has received any of her test marks yet, and she answered yes.

"So, awak dapat berapa A?"

I asked, sambil main main rumput. Ala ala hindustan tak kitorang? Hihi

"Ala sikit je, tak macam awak" 
dia balas, sambil senyum. 

Oh lupa nak tambah, dia pemurah dengan senyuman, that's why everyone likes her companionship.

"Perli eh ni? Hahaha serious lah, dapat berapa? Mesti banyak rembat A ni tulah malu nak cerita kan kan kan"

I provoked.

"Eh tak adalah. Serious wak, result kita down sangat sangat kali ni, *A *B *C"

Bilangan terpaksa dirahsiakan. 

"Awak biar betik?! Takkan awak dapat C? Awakkan pandai gila gila gila?"

I replied in disbelievement. Memang tak percaya dia dapat C, sebab dalam ramai ramai orang, bila dia lalu mesti I'd say 'ceh budak pandai lalu'

 She inhales.


hidup ni adil.

Ada masa,

kita dekat atas.

And ada masa,

kita dekat bawah.

Takkan selama lamanya kita nak kecap kesenangan,


Dia balas, still keeping her posture, of course with a smile glued to her face.

and what she replied made me tongue-tied. Aku cerna apa yang dia cakap betul betul, and her statement was nothing but accurate.

The thing is, we lose hope because we stacked our dreams too high. Kita stack and stack and stack sampai to the point yang kita lupa, yang nasib tak semestinya akan menyebelahi kita. Dan aku tak pernah persoalkan kenapa ada sebilangan manusia yang sungguh pessimistic towards life, because I've been there, I've once placed myself in the hole of despair.

She was right. I respect her until today because she didn't lose hope, she didn't. *tabik spring mode on*

and I guess we both never knew what to say, so we just played our role and enjoyed the scenery.

Angin pun sepoi sepoi bahasa ((cehh)) the sun shun on an average mode that day, and here's a little advice;

Don't ever, lose hope. Because you'd never know what life can bring you. Let's just expect the unexpected and keep on reading my boring post HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAkbye

Assalamualaikum. ((0334))


Hanani said...

ngek tul dia ni, dah feeling-feeling dah dekat bawah pokok tu, dia pergi gelak time bagi advice tu :p gelak sopan takpe lagi, ni..... heiiii!

Ainaa Ramzani said...

@Hanani : pffft hahahaha