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Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahhiwabarakatuh :-)

Dear sisters,

Did you know so much of the whole world is actually "wearing" Hijab? YES! and I am not kidding!

The earth is surrounded by the atmosphere and ozone layer.

Fresh fruits have peels on them.

The sword is preserved in a sheath.

Ink pen would dry without a cap and would be thrown away because it became useless.

An apple without a peel becomes rotten. If a banana comes without a peel, its color would turn to black. Why would our daughters cover their books, if not to protect them?

"Pakai tudung (menutup aurat) nanti tak boleh berfesyen, tak boleh bergaya!"

"Orang kata kalau saya pakai tudung tak cantik la!"

Number one. Who said that if we wear hijab, we can't be fashionable? Islam allows you to be fashionable or stylish (or whatever you want to be) as long as you cover what needs to be covered. In specific details, aurah or aurat. You can even wear a pail on your head as an alternative for tudung!

Number two. Who told you that you don't look beautiful when you're wearing tudung/hijab? Well those people are silly and dumb. Not to be rude, but yeah, dumb. and if they still mock or insult you, just, ignore them. Set one thing on your mind, which one do you choose, to please people or to please Allah? :-)

Changes takes time. Yes, I know, I know. I am not here like to force you to wear it right this second, A BIG NO. I know how it feels when somebody pushes you and they want to change you so that you turn out to be as they want you to be. but.... (there's a but!) I really don't like it when people say such things as "hidayah belum datang lagi" "sekarang bukan masa yang sesuai" Deiihh hidayah bukan datang bergolek dengan sendirinya, hidayah perlu dicari! (Okay jangan cari orang nama Hidayah pulak :p)

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. "Today is worth two tomorrows" What if you die tomorrow and didn't get a chance to repent? Na'uzubulillahminzalik. Cuba bayangkan, Ya Allah seksaannya.....1 helai rambut pun dah berapa tahun di neraka.... 1 tahun di akhirat bersamaan dengan 1000 tahun di dunia. Sanggup ke nak tahan azab seksaanNya?
Ali r.a. meriwayatkan sebagai berikut: “Saya bersama Fatimah berkunjung ke rumah Rasulullah dan kami temui beliau sedang menangis. Kami bertanya kepada beliau, “mengapa tuan menangis wahai Rasulullah?” Beliau menjawab, “Pada malam aku di Isra’kan ke langit, aku melihat orang sedang mengalami berbagai penyeksaan… maka bila teringatkan mereka aku menangis.” Saya bertanya lagi,”wahai Rasulullah apakah yang tuan lihat?” Beliau bersabda: "Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya, otaknya mendidih." Maka berdirilah Fatimah seraya berkata, “Wahai ayahku, ceritakanlah kepadaku apakah amal perbuatan wanita-wanita itu.” Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, "Wahai puteriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak menutup rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh lelaki ajnabi (bukan mahram)"
I, myself, is not perfect. Kadang-kadang pakai tudung tu, ada la helai-helaian rambut yang keluar. I consider myself lucky. I have wonderful and awesome friends (korang jangan perasan eh :p) that always rebuke me whenever my hair is not in place.We are humans, we make mistakes. but that doesn't give you the right to just leave it that way, right?

Even chocolate and candies wear hijab. Amazing, isn't it? So be a real Muslimah and a better chocolate. :-) *otak terbayang kitkat, hehehe*

Sharing is caring, caring is loving, loving is forgiving. Maafkan saya kalau khilaf, yours truly, assalamualaikum :D *hahaha rasa macam ustazah pula ~__~ okay sila muntah jika anda terbaca kenyataan ini, lololol*

Kidnapped some unicorns from : Islam Knowledge and references based on some pictures I saved in PC. (I'm using my laptop right now :D)


faqihahhusni said...

Saya suka Entry ni. Lama tak baca entry kak Ainaa :* Rindu!

Ainaa Ramzani said...

Waaaaaaa, blogger famous datang comment! :D Haha terima kasih Kihah :-)

amirahyusoff said...

yeah :)
seorang muslimah wajib menutup aurat.nak berfesyen?boleh..tapi kena menepati hukum syarak :)

Ainaa Ramzani said...

betul-betuk-betul :D

Maryam Adzra said...

Pandai lah ainaa. Confirm dapat 5A dengan mumtaz. Hihi, aminn :)

Ainaa Ramzani said...

Hahaha, pandai? Pandai inverted comma je :p Lololol. Amin, insyaallah. Hmm, Maryam pun sama :D

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum..Subhanallah..nice entry..bleh ana copy?