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Tutorial : Background

Assalamualaikum ! tutorial ni direqeust oleh Akak Leya . hoho, nak masok pukol 1 ni ha ~ nanti mata hitam cam panda ! okey, just enjoy ! :)

1) Sign In www.blogger.com

2) Pergi ke Design >> Edit HTML

3) ctrl + f search code dibawah :
body {
4) Paste Code neh dibawah Code body {
Background-image:url(URL BACKGROUND);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position:Center center;
font:x-small Georgia Serif;
font-size/* */:/**/small;
font-size: /**/small;
text-align: center;
5) Gantikan URL Background dengan gambar yang dibawah okey :)




6) Dah siap ? Sekarang, cari pulak Code  #outer-wrapper {

7) Paste Code ni dibawah #outer-wrapper {
 background: #FFFFFF ;
8) yang #FFFFFF tu korang boleh tukar kat sini : Rainbow

9) Tekan Preview dulu sebelum Save Template ! ;)




Anonymous said...

saya tak jumpa pun #outer-wrapper { :(

leya said...

sudah jdi dik. terima ksih byk2 sbb buat tuto ni untuk akk. suka sgt2.

Ainaa Ramzani said...


hoho, tutorial ni untok pengguna Minima la Atiqah ^__*

Ainaa Ramzani said...


Hoho, sama2 :)

chera cherry said...

aina ! t0l0ng saye ( #outer-wrapper} )
tu saye da crik but takde laa.. :(

Misz Choco said...

ainaa x de pon #outer-wrapper} pon

Izzati Aqilah said...

ainaa kite gune tuto ainaa tapi background tu kite amek dari dolliehost.com

Hafizah Amin said...

dik, dekat akak punye minima takde pon #outer-wrapper { so sad! =(

Anonymous said...

xde pon #outer-wrapper {

narysa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ainaa Ramzani said...

@chera cherry

tak de ? tutorial ni untok minima la dear .

Ainaa Ramzani said...

@Lydia Alya

tak de ? ni tutorial untok minima .

Ainaa Ramzani said...

@Zati Choco

ok .

Ainaa Ramzani said...


ni untok minima

Ainaa Ramzani said...

@Puteri Cokelat

awak punye memanglah tak de. saya editkan blog awak gune code lain .

Ainaa Ramzani said...


yes ?

Nadya Diya said...

ouh , yeke ? hehe , malu laa . haha .
( gune jp my frenzs id )
( Puteri Cokelat )

Syahirah said...

sye x fhm la mcm mne nk buat nih..

Anonymous said...

err, adik, minima tuh mcm mn? hehe *i know tanye soalan yg *****. HEHEHE

Anonymous said...

ainaa guna minima ape?knape sya punye minima xboleyh nak edit?dah bnyk kali tekan kat save templates xpi xjdi...

NoRaNasHuHa said...

haah..xjadi la..camne ni??

yanaelina said...

ainaa....x jadi lah..macammane ek??

ieLa Bell A said...

aina ta ade pun yg #outer..... . ta jumpe .

Anonymous said...

ainaa, nak tanya. template dah jadi ^^ tapi kalau limitkan background tu sampai bahagian post tu je macam mana ya? i mean header dia transparent.

Qurratu Ain said...

camne nk tuka jdik minima template ?
Aja plissss

RG said...

nice tuto :)

Qurratu Ain said...

X jadik!

Amirah Zahidah RZ said...

saye amik untk background n blockquote yer ^__^

Anisah Ramli said...

ainaa.. :( tak de background pun... hurmm

Aidaa Antonella ♥ said...

adik , nape akak punye body { ( background ) tak jadi ? sedangkan outer wrapper jadi ? pelik daee :(

Cik LolapOp said...

Aduhh ~ Tak reti lah ~ Daa Pening sy uat , xpndai2x! hum~ :(

Aidaa Antonella ♥ said...

oh , dah jadi dah ^.^ silap taip eh kali . dududu ~ anyway , tenggs adik , dah buat tuto ne , cantik berlog :D

A.I said...

comel gila BG tu , aww aww ^.^

ordinary girl, eppa ♥ said...

dah jadi :D

sayafatinathirah :) said...

tuto yang menarik :) terima kasoh :)

#Skyscraper said...

Ainaa : x de pun outer tuu . minima ? u mean ape ?

Mie Lyz Neko said...

Saya ikut tuto awk!

Fatin Nabila said...

kak,takde pon kod #outer-wrapper {

Ayamg0reng said...

oh hai hai. thx 4 the tuto :)
best gilaa!
polo blog sy k?

Unknown said...

X jadik!! Huhuhuhuhu...

Unknown said...

ade la #outer-wrapper { tu , kite kne cari perlahan 2 , cbe tgk atas skali pastu scroll down sket , jumpe tak ? sye jumpe hehe ..:)

muhd core said...

mania , npe ? saye wat x blh ?

Maria Illyana's said...

Thanks kak <3

Maria Illyana's said...

Ehh . jap jap . Macem mane nak buat ? Tak paham laa :'(

Nur Syahirah :) said...

yeayyy, jadi! Thanks Aina :)

miss monchi said...

knp x jdi ?!?

- said...

klu tade #outer-wrapper { , blh jadi tak ?
Klu nk tkr jadi minima mcm mne ?

a.i.e.n said...


beautiful said...

adek , akak punya searuh yang dulu punya , separuh yag skrg punya ..amacam ney ? dulu x pun , masa akak tukar background jd camney ?

Nurul Natasha said...

awk,thanks ye sbb telah memberi banyak toturial utk kami semua.disebabkan awk blog saya bertamabah ceria.wink2

Cik Dania said...

cik tuan blog,nak tnyaa..awk amik background blog kat ner ek besenyer?? plz saye suke background yg simple but cute cm awk neyh...help me..:(

cytot ketot said...

tenks . ade background laen takk ?

Monkey jang said...

thanks for tuto:)
saya amik background tu ek:)

norazwa said...

ainaa..saya ambik satu background

Aleen Hananie. said...

em tak buleh pun ;(

Anonymous said...

Thankyouu Ainaa ! Awak suda menyelamatkn saye :D

Ifa Gafimmers said...

Aina Tak b0leh pun .. aina 0n9 biar saye bgi email and password 0k .. ?

Ifa Gafimmers said...

my facebook name : ifa budax ..
saye add dah awk ..

Ayunnie said...

thankyouu ainaa :DD
dahh jadi ,
suka , hihi ^.^

Anonymous said...

thanks... da jadi...

Anonymous said...

akaakk , sye punye langsung x jaddiii , ny yg rse cm nk bunuh je laptop nyhh ><

You know my rules. said...

Kak , akak buat lah lg byk background. Ye? Btw , akak cari background akak kat mane? Saye cari dekat @Photobucket , tak de pon. Akak search mcm mane? Type ape ? ;D

SN FATIAH said...

tak jd pun ): y ?

ysyaiynus ^^ said...

Akak, kenapa tak jadi ek?

ANjournals said...

Nape tak jadik ehh Ainaa ? due-2 ta dapat carik code . ta pandai aa !!

nurshakilah said...

thanx...iye ckew cgt....

Anonymous said...

XJD PUN....:'(..cm mne nie??

Anonymous said...

ska sgt :)

h u d a said...

dah jadik. thanx aina

dieyla si musshukk said...

x jumpe pon #outer-wrapper { ??? cam ane yew ?

//TrisyiaNova\\ said...

ambik satu yee dik :D

Putra Haiekal said...

awk , nk tny sikit . kalo tknak background tuh repeat cane ? bg tetap je . ape code dy ye . ?

Unknown said...

thanx for dis tuto...lurve da background...amek satu ye dik...tq...:)

kina said...

ainaa sayang,Akak ambil satu yang bunga2 tu tau!thanks!

ShaMomey~ said...

Aina , macammane aina buat nama aina dkt lastly post? tell pls ! nak sngt2x.

nieysa woonie said...

akak,,da byk kali sy try..ttp jgk x kuar search code body 2...nape erk?cmne nk wat bia jdi nie akak?

Anonymous said...

saye dah tekan dkt 'Rainbow' tp xboleh bukak.. :( tp xper.. asalkan menjadi background saye :)

leana azmie said...

tade pon #outer-wrapper .

Aindewww said...

thanks sangat2 akak..

Syuhada said...

Jadi! Thanx Ainaa! :D