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Aku suka orang nama siti, because for me orang nama siti nampak ayu, sopan and sangat lembut, lovely. Aku suka dimples and I hate the fact that it looks good on people though I know lesung pipit tu sebab ada prob with muscle pipi. To be honest, aku suka stalk orang wakakakaka.

But does my affection towards something define me?


I strongly dislike durians, although people may crucify me saying "hek eleh bajet matsaleh lettew" Entahlah, kadang kadang I hate myself. And sometimes aku pura pura like something just sebab nak bagi orang tu notice hm hm hm

But yet again, do these statements define myself?


"You never really know people, even those you love"

Entahlah. Kau boleh cakap kau dah kenal orang tu lama, maybe 3 days, 6 months or even 7 years.

Tapi bila dia buat benda jahat sikit kau mulalah cakap "omg but she used to be so nice"

Tu just tunjukkan yang kau memang tak pernah kenal dia betul betul, so don't act foolish by voicing out that opinion. 

Entahlah. Kau mungkin boleh cakap kau kenal orang tu seumur hidup kau, but ask yourself,

Betul ke kau dah 'kenal' dia?

Atau kau kenal side yang dia tunjukkan dekat orang je? Side untuk tatapan dunia? 

Entahlah. Word tu je aku boleh ungkap. Just remember one thing, aku bukan pemuisi, guna manglish hengk0. 

We judge because we don't know;

Kita tend to judge sebab kita tak tahu hal sebenar.

Just because people sin differently, doesn't mean you're any better than them. Kau mungkin boleh judge dia cakap dia macam macam, tapi tak malu ke bila akhirat nanti papp dia sebenarnya repent, 0-0, while you spent all your life trying to find fault in others? 

