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So assalamualaikum.

Dear Oh Well Paper,
Sheesh how long has it been? Almost a year? Hahaha sorry for treating this crooked blog as my stepdaughter. Yknow, not much unicorns have been strolling through my mind lately :-)

Updates. Benda macam macam dah berlaku. Dah rasa susah senang jadi budak bilik A107, pelajar 104 a.k.a 1 Dynamic and lastly under the shade of my beloved homeroom, Industrious. Impossible kot nak cerita everything sepanjang 7 months staying here- MRSM Kubang Pasu. All I can do is summarize some points up :)

Latest, me being officially 13. *hands up to that yo!!* Okay Alhamdulillah. Actually taklah teruk mana sambut birthday dekat sini, though earlier I've mentioned how I despise all the spectrum of it haha. Received a call from mrsm parit, message macam macam terima, kawan datang bilik wish pukul 12a.m., terima love letter (cehh) and hadiah. Syok gilaaaa kot. Felt happy, glee, sad, appreciated, betrayed all in one day seems bizarre, yes? Oh not to be forgotten during the last couple of hours of my birthday a nuisance tragedy I long to forget had happened which made the entire homosapiens @ block acad witnessed zafirah and i running like mad people hahaha. Dahlah malam tu entah macammana zafirah boleh tertidur dekat my bed. Imagine, budak block b bawah tidur bilik block a atas awesome gila kotttt

Ish lupa nak bawak balik hadiah + kad kalau tak boleh tangkap gambar haish melepas la den. Okay abaikan. Oh yeah lepastu kitorang dapat makan pizza. =D (2x in that week, double the awesomeness) 😊

Lagi nak tulis apa eh? Would be writing more but it's kinda private so there goes the story-voila el route to my private blog.  =D In shaa Allah esok update lagi before balik, tengok la condition if I'm not infected by the aura kemalasan then will do.

Last but not least, salam ramadhan to all Muslims. =) May this time of month be filled with useful activities and *drumroll pls* KEEP CALM AND DO IBADAH PPL! Till then, toodles, assalamualaikum yuhu.

P/s : Lupa nak tambah. On the 7th day of July something had happened which changed my whole perspective about someone. Like seriously ate the whole bar of chocs that I received for my birthday out of morose. On the very same day Ashraf Muslim builds a mosque with another girl. Kesian Kak Dayana, I know dem feels. Guess Kak Dayana and I were destined to be heartbroken at the same time ceh poyo kbye. Dear Kak Dayana and self, be tough- life goes on. (12.22 a.m)

Poyo bcs yolo 👌@airport


Anonymous said...

aainaa muka tue jangan cuba ditutup :P...yang sebelah tue dayang eh..wow ! semua dah besar :)

Ainaa Ramzani said...

Eh mana adalah I'm not in the same school as Dayang anymore...

Izzati Aqilah said...

FINALLY babe! Haha XD

faqihahhusni said...


Hanani said...

update pun update pun update pun update pun! Hahaha,susah sangat ke nah update lol

ed the meow said...

you are so good in writing aina . keep it up ! :D

Unknown said...

I look damn ugly. Haha

Unknown said...

I look damn ugly. Haha